Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Sickness Cycle

     A couple of months after Matthew was born, we had him in a routine of small drinks so he would not projectile vomit. He continued to gain weight during the vomiting. Matthew and I joined a playgroup through Riverside Hospital in Columbus with other Moms and babies born around the same time. We met every week at Riverside and then we continued meeting in our homes. During this time is when I started noticing that Matthew wasn’t meeting developmental milestones that the other babies were. Everyone around me kept saying that everyone develops at their own pace. In my gut I knew something wasn’t right but was hoping I was wrong.
     During this time Matthew started getting sick a lot. I believe his immunities were weakened when we did his vaccines. There was one time Matthew had a cold and the Doctor said it was okay to go ahead and do the shots. Boy was he sick after that! He got in a cycle of ear infections, sinus infections and croup. So we got in the pattern of lots of antibiotics as well. All the antibiotics he was on tore up his stomach which made for lots of screaming. There were times we thought he had an ear infection and it was belly pain. We were told to keep his diet bland to help heal his stomach.
     My sister in law had recommended a Naturopathic Doctor for some health issues I was having at the time. Naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine. It’s a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoids the use of surgery and drugs.  I learned a lot about Acidophilus and natural methods to heal the body. I decided to take Matthew to her and see if she could help us stop the sickness cycle we were on. One of the things that were recommended was no more antibiotics for him. I believe there were times that the medical Doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with him and gave us an antibiotic which in turn heightened the upset stomach and food sensitivities.
     The Naturopathic Doctor helped us a great deal! The sickness cycle slowed down. She had Matthew eating gluten free and dairy free to heal his gut and build up his immunities. We did not know that Matthew had Autism yet. The experience with this Doctor opened up doors for us to help our son. There is a place for alternative medicine! To this day we use a combination of medical and alternative medicine.      

There was lots of crying in the first few years.

And there was still more crying with cousins.