Saturday, December 13, 2014

Finally Diagnosis Bound!

     When Matthew was three years old he started attending a Special Needs Preschool. Based on his evaluation, that I discussed earlier, he qualified for the school. He received speech therapy and occupational therapy at school. Matthew enjoyed school once you got him there. Each day I would get him ready. He did not transition well at all and due to sensory issues (texture of clothes), mornings could be a challenge! There were many days I would carry him to the bus stop screaming. He would scream in the car while we waited for the bus to come. I would strap him in his bus seat and be exhausted going home. I would go back to my car and hear him screaming. Sending him to school with a Thomas the Tank Engine figurine helped comfort him on the bus. I will never forget the bus driver assuring me one day that as soon as they drove away he would stop crying. There were many days he fell asleep on the bus ride to school. Most likely he was worn out from the transition from home to school.
     So the screaming, lining up toys, meltdowns and no language continued. There were times it was so bad that I would put him in his room and put the gate up so he could not get out. Of course there were times he would tear his room apart.
     In the meantime, I was making phone calls and getting on everyone's waiting lists to get Matthew an appointment with a Child Psychologist. We wanted to get him evaluated. I knew in my heart that there was more going on than Developmentally Delayed.      So one day when I had him gated in his room I called two places that were recommended to me. One place told me we were getting closer on the waiting list. The second place I called I burst into tears to the receptionist. I explained our situation and that I was trying to get him evaluated and was on many waiting lists. This woman was very compassionate! She said they might have an opening and would call me back. Sure enough the next day she called and we finally got an appointment! There was a sense of relief that we were finally going to get the help we need.